Clinical Cases

Caso Clínico - Dentes em 1 dia | 11

Clinical Case – Teeth in 1 day | 11

Treatment – Teeth in 1 Day 72 years old Lisbon Teeth in 1 Day There’s a chance you could have dental implants and beautiful new teeth, all in the same day. Find out if you’re a candidate for this type of treatment. The patient was recommended to us by a patient to whom we gave the same treatment about five years ago. Despite his fears and disappointments with other treatments, with the help of his friend and after our consultation, he decided to go ahead. Today we can see a safer, more confident man. Before After

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Caso Clínico - Técnica Semi-fixa | 3

Clinical Case – Semi-fixed Technique | 3

Semi-fixed technique 47 years old Almada Semi-fixed technique Allows the prosthetic structures to be retained more effectively, giving security when speaking, laughing and eating when compared to conventional prostheses. Our patient, after her brother had been rehabilitated by our team, also decided to have the “courage she lacked”, in her own words, to go ahead with her treatment. After all the tests and information had been discussed between us and the patient, she opted for this solution. She is very happy with the results of the treatment and comes to see us every six months. In the particular case of this patient and this treatment, we make two maintenance appointments a year. Before After

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Caso Clínico - Dentes em 1 dia | 12

Clinical case – Teeth in 1 day | 12

Treatment – Teeth in 1 Day 64 years old Switzerland Teeth in 1 Day There’s a chance you could have dental implants and beautiful new teeth, all in the same day. Find out if you’re a candidate for this type of treatment. The patient came to us from Switzerland wanting to improve her self-esteem and her oral health in particular. Her upper jaw had little bone, as a result of losing teeth several years ago, but nothing prevented us from solving the clinical case safely, with quality and predictability. He continues to visit us every year for maintenance of the implants and prosthetic structures. Before After

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Caso Clínico - Técnica Semi-fixa | 4

Clinical Case – Semi-fixed Technique | 4

Semi-fixed Technique 58 years old Almada Semi-fixed technique Allows for a more effective retention of prosthetic structures, giving security when speaking, laughing and eating when compared to conventional prostheses. As well as suffering from periodontal disease (gums and alveolar bone), our patient had been a smoker for many years and smoked many cigarettes a day. We managed to strike a balance with the patient in terms of the solution decided on for the treatment and the commitment needed to reduce smoking habits. He was able to chew again and is very happy with the aesthetics that the two semi-fixed structures now give him. Before After

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Caso Clínico - Implantes Zigomáticos | 4

Clinical Case – Zygomatic Implants | 4

Zygomatic Implants 59 years old Cascais Zygomatic implants This is a technique for patients with severe and extreme resorption of the upper jaw who wear full dentures, or with badly damaged teeth and little bone remaining, or patients where other surgical techniques have already failed. It is possible to regain fixed teeth in the upper jaw. Our patient came to me and my team for one last opinion before giving up on having teeth fixed to her jaw. For several years, she had been told that she didn’t have enough bone in her upper jaw to undergo dental implant surgery. It wasn’t a lie at all, as conventional implants would have been impossible. Only by using zygomatic implants, a much more complex surgery under general anesthesia, was it possible to carry out her rehabilitation. The result is clear to see and he comes to see us twice a year for his maintenance appointments. Before After

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Caso Clínico - Dentes em 1 dia | 13

Clinical case – Teeth in 1 day | 13

Treament – Teeth in 1 Day 55 years old Salvaterra Magos Teeth in 1 Day There’s a chance you could have dental implants and beautiful new teeth, all in the same day. Find out if you’re a candidate for this type of treatment. Our patient is one of those businessmen who has very little free time to spend “a lifetime in clinics”, according to what he said at the first consultation. He accepts zero suffering and discomfort and asked us to perform the surgery under general anesthesia. And so my team and I did. The work and the patient’s happiness speak for themselves. Before After

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Caso Clínico - Reabilitação Oral Complexa | 5

Clinical Case – Complex Oral Rehabilitation | 5

Complex Oral Rehabilitation 65 years old Almada Complex Oral Rehabilitation This is a treatment in which aesthetics is strongly associated and depends on the patient’s function, balance and oral and general health. With dental implants and all-ceramic crowns we will be able to build the smile you are looking for. Our patient waited several years until she was sure it was time to move on to fixed oral rehabilitation. We placed 10 dental implants, 6 in the upper jaw and 4 in the lower jaw, and a few months later we were able to deliver the ceramic crowns screwed onto the implants. The edges of the front teeth were also augmented with dental restorations to restore the vertical dimension and aesthetics of the patient’s smile. We kept the original color of her teeth, because that was her wish. Once a year, she comes in for a maintenance appointment. Before After

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Caso Clínico - Dentes em 1 dia | 14

Clinical case – Teeth in 1 day | 14

Treatment – Teeth in 1 Day 29 years Belgium Teeth in 1 Day There’s a chance you could have dental implants and beautiful new teeth, all in the same day. Find out if you’re a candidate for this type of treatment. The patient visited us from Belgium. After an initial visit to “get to know us”, to get to know our structure, to find out if what we were advertising was really true, he booked the treatment for 6 months later. And so it was, he returned on the scheduled date, we did the Teeth in 1 day treatment on both jaws. He left the clinic that same day with 2 temporary structures screwed on. He returned 4 months later so that we could make the final frameworks in our laboratory. He is now a regular visitor once a year for implant and framework maintenance appointments. Before After

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Caso Clínico - Implantes Zigomáticos | 5

Clinical Case – Zygomatic Implants | 5

Esta é uma técnica para pacientes com uma reabsorção severa e extrema do Maxilar Superior que utilizam próteses totais, ou com dentes muito danificados e pouco osso remanescente e ainda…

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